Britni Houser was born, and currently resides, in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Cedar Crest College with a Bachelor of Arts degree and has received the Howard Agar Memorial Prize.
Her interest in art began as soon as she was able to take crayons to paper. As a child, she was surrounded by art books and was particularly fascinated by surrealist painters. It was through that lens she began to think about the world around her as one of creative possibilities. The desire to push the boundaries between the ordinary and the unexpected is exemplified by the materials and methods of her fabric work. She uses methods typically described as “women’s work” such as crochet, sewing, and embroidery to explore the concepts of scarring, healing, and wounds both physical and emotional.
An explorer at heart, many of her works are done in ever-changing mediums and reflect personal interests or a desire to experiment or attempt to learn a new medium or technique or brush up on an old one.